A Harassment Lawyer Ready to Fight for You

employment lawyer standing together posing for a picture
Harassment, whether verbal, physical, or sexual, is never acceptable, especially in the workplace. And yet, it happens all too often, especially between employees that have an intensely different power dynamic. If you’ve been harassed at work, a harassment lawyer will be able to help you. At the Law Office of Perry Pinon, we’re dedicated to helping keep places of employment safe and free from harassment and are willing to fight for you.

Harassment in the Workplace

Believe it or not, harassment happens in all shapes and forms on a daily basis at companies across the United States. A few ways someone can be harassed include:

  • Emotionally– Employers may use fear, guilt, and other negative emotions to persuade or coerce employees on the job. Coworkers may humiliate or insult their fellow coworkers for reasons unknown. Regardless, emotional harassment at work should not be tolerated. They may also use discriminatory harassment, such as emotionally harassing you based on your race or sexual orientation.
  • Through Power– Someone who exerts their power over someone to humiliate them, coerce them to do illegal activities, and to take advantage of them sexually, among other issues, are performing what is known as power harassment.
  • Physically– Any form of physical harassment or violence is illegal in the workplace.
  • Sexually– Sexual harassment is the most common form of harassment in the workplace. It includes comments, unwanted advancements, and assault.

Facts About Sexual Harassment on the Job

Sexual harassment on the job happens way more often than it should. Because of how commonplace it is, there are many misconceptions, myths, and serious issues that are either not taken seriously enough or even laughed at. Some of these facts include:

  • This kind of harassment often happens with a man as the harasser and a woman as the victim, but that doesn’t mean it can’t happen the other way around. Harassment of a sexual nature can also happen with a woman playing the role of the harasser.
  • It can also happen between people of the same sex. Many times, this type is dismissed because it is ignorantly thought that people of the same sex can’t harass each other in this way, but that isn’t the case.
  • Harassment that results in demotion, an employee being fired, a tense work environment, and adverse situations is illegal.
  • The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reports that 75 percent of all harassments at work go unreported.
  • The service industry is one of the worst when it comes to sexual harassment.
  • The harasser can come in many roles, from a supervisor to a customer.
  • Victims should first report the incident to their employer, using the designated system to do so. From there, other actions can be taken, especially if the case is not handled properly within their place of employment.
  • Sexual harassment doesn’t necessarily have to be sexual comments or advances. It can also be comments and actions made against someone because of their gender.

Do I Have a Case? When to Call a Sexual Harassment Attorney

Sexual harassment cases are tricky, especially because many people do not take them as seriously as they should. To report it and have a case, you must establish that it was severe or pervasive. One thing to note is it is very important that you establish that the sexual advances or comments are unwelcome. If you, unfortunately, find yourself on the receiving end of these unwelcomed actions, it’s important to tell the harasser that you do not want to receive those advances. Write those incidents down and if you can, keep a paper trail of all the incidents. While this may sound unbelievable, because of course you don’t want it and of course you want it to stop, it plays a key role in building your case. It’s also important that you do report it. Oftentimes, when reviewing a case, the judge will want to see that you reported the issue, usually a number of times. Again, this sounds unbelievable, but it’s part of building a strong case.

If the harassment came from a supervisor, it means they had an improper motive, so you can contact a lawyer right away. However, if you are harassed by a coworker, you will need to report it within the company, usually to your supervisor or HR, before you can contact a attorney.

Harassment Lawyer at the Law Office of Perry Pinon

If you’ve been a victim of workplace harassment, no matter the kind, the Law Office of Perry Pinon can help you. Call us today to schedule a consultation.